Q&A By Omrita Ritalli Dhillon
The writer is a chakra healer as well as Bach Flower Technique expert. Send your queries to Ritalli at oomritatans@gmail.com
Dear Ritalli,
I read your article regarding Flower Medicine. I’m new to Forex Trading as well as Share trading. Can you suggest which of the flower medicine should I consume to take only profit while doing the trading. Kindly help me in this regard.
P.A. Ramana, Salem, Tamil Nadu
Dear Ramana,
The healing energies of the Bach flower remedies raise our vibrations and open our channels, enabling us to approach life issues in a more positive manner. No medicine or therapy can guarantee profits in business, but a sound and positive mind combined with planned hard work can certainly bring good results. “Rescue remedy” which is a combination of five remedies is effective when a person is suffering from nervousness, panic or mental disturbance. Other popular therapies include the following: “Aspen” for unexplainable anxiety, “Cerato” for self doubt, “Impatiens” for irritability and mental and physical tension, “Clematis” for absent mindedness, “Scleranthus” for concentration, “Gentian” for negative thoughts, “Hornbeam” for laziness,“Cherry Plum” for impulsiveness and “Wild Oats” for direction. Bach flower remedies do not substitute medical attention but helps heal mental and emotional disturbances thus enabling the body’s healing process to get activated.
Dear Ritalli,
What is the philosophy Bach Flower Therapy is based on? Can we cure both emotional and physical ailments through it?
Ruhi Shahin
Dear Ruhi,
Yes, both emotional and physical ailments can be treated simultaneously through Bach Flower therapy. Dr Bach’s philosophy is based on his belief that disharmony between the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a human being is the basis of disease; this disharmony lowers the body’s defense mechanism, thus allowing disease / physical manifestation of symptoms to take hold. He believed that the true cause of illness in human beings lies in the personality — the emotional patterns through which we view ourselves and our surroundings. Emotions or states of mind like fear, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, anger etc. can be helped and harmonised with the 38 flower essences of the Bach system. This simple therapy helps the person be in better control of his emotions. To quote Dr Bach, “The action of these remedies is to raise our vibrations and open up our channels for the reception of our Spiritual Self, to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need; and wash out from us the fault which is causing harm. They cure, not by attacking disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature.”