Workshops by Gurpreet Singh
Relationships Workshop
Choose happiness over misery with a better understanding of how life works and what is required for happiness and fulfillment in relationships.
In this workshop, you will explore the the knowledge and methods of ancient spiritual traditions to understand the nature of relationships and how to heal damaged relationships.
Shamanism Workshop
The Workshop Will Cover
- Brief introduction to shamanism & shamanic practices.
- Understanding the topography of “Non Ordinary Reality” and using shamanic methods to explore this hidden universe.
- Methods of shamanic journeying to meet your own individual spirit helpers and teachers in non ordinary reality.
- Introduction to shamanic divination methods.
- Method of restoring lost spiritual power and get healing through journeying.
- Ethics in shamanic practices.
Spirituality and Past- Life Regression- Workshop
The workshop is designed to impart knowledge through
- Presentations on relevant aspects of spiritual science.
- Past life regression sessions on core themes.
- Basic knowledge on working with chakras for diagnosis, health and healing.
- An attempt will be made to cover a vast expanse of essential knowledge and answer as many questions of the participants as are possible. Audio-video presentations on related topics would also be presented during this training program to give a wider perspective.
Chakras Part 1 – Workshop
The Workshop Will Cover
- An introduction to the energy body and its structure.
- The various chakras and their relationship & interaction with our thoughts, emotions and health.
- Reading each of the chakras for yourself and others to get an insight into the mental, emotional and physical issues relating to that chakra.
- Sorting out current life issues effecting the chakras and thereby the etheric and physical body.
- Chakras for manifestation of thought and creation of abundance.
- Contributing to children’s overall development and growth using knowledge of chakras in bringing them up.
- Chakra cleaning
Death, Dying And The Dead
The Workshop Will Cover
- An introduction to the energy body and its structure.
- Understanding death.
- Using death as a constructive force in life.
- The after death landscapes.
- The process of dying & how to die.
- Pre and post death experience.
- The 5 stages of grief.
- Handling grief in ourselves / others including children.
- Shamanic Psychopomp Work.
To read more about Gurpreet Singh, please visit his website.