Art of Joyful Living
This is a short & effective course to overcome sadness and live in Joy.

What You Will Learn
Let’s start with simple things :
1. Write down three things you are grateful for that day; do this twice a day early morning and sometime in the evening .
2. Write in a journal each day for 2 minutes, focusing on the most positive experience you would like to have in the near future . ( do this for 7 days )
3. Exercise for 10 minutes;( these could be stretches – I can send you a link )
Meditate for 2 minutes per day; ( if you feel difficulty in doing that I will teach you an easy technique . )
Joyful Living
One on one sessions as each one of you is unique !!!!
A short & effective course to overcome sadness and live in Joy .
If you are wise , refuse to be miserable -Swami Swaroopananda ji .
In the course you will learn practical and effectual tools that will empower you and help you overcome obstacles in your everyday life . You can use these skills to address sensitive issues in your personal and professional life with great success.
Some of the key interpersonal skills you will learn :
1.Living in the Now
2.Forgiveness and compassion
3.Tools to release stress
4.Emotional well-being
5.The Gap Method
6.Buddhist Principles
7.Gratitude exercises
8.Rituals to invoke positive energies for meetings , presentations , relationships etc .
9.Progressive Manifestations .
10.Power of your mind .
The Goal is to remain Centred & achieve Inner harmony & Balance .
The course duration would be two sessions of 90 minutes each .
Participants will receive certificates on completion of the course .
A manual will be supplied .
Lifetime connections assured .
A not to miss ” Self Help -Care & Coach Programme ”- One on One Sessions only as each one of us is unique !!!
Offered by Ritali Aumrita at a very special price of 4999 /-
I am in gratitude to the Universe for all that we receive . Sharing wisdom of this course is an endeavour to share the gift of happiness which is available to all of us .
So come let’s tap into it !!!!