Ritali Ma’am is a fantastic teacher and a wonderful human being. I have been learning Osho Zen from her since last month and it’s an absolute delight to be her student. Her way of teaching is so simple and pragmatic and her vibes are extremely positive. I look forward to our classes and the Osho Zen deck has now become one of my favourite. Love the way she connects the reading practically. Much gratitude to her 🙏🏼
Disclaimer: nobody has asked me to give a review, I am just sharing my experience so others can benefit I have no personal agenda or commission involved 🙏🏼
I met Ritali while I was doing a few online courses hosted by Priyanka. In the first meeting itself she came across as a wise and kind person. When the Osho Zen Tarot course was announced, my first thought was – I want to do this with Ritali and that was quite surprising because in spite of being a tarot reader who used varied decks for the reading, I was very skeptical about Osho Zen. I was aware that this deck was very intensive, soul touching and deeper than any other. Now, after following my hearts calling, I am glad I did the course with Ritali. She is a wonderful teacher with no doubt excellent subject knowledge, but she is also very patient and open minded. She took efforts to make me understand concepts and was also open to know and validate my explanations of certain spreads. The spreads that she takes you through in this course are so simple yet profound. Lots of love Ritali and looking forward to do many more course with you.
Love and Light
Swapna Shetty