Most Trusted Tarot Card Reading Course
Learn how to become a professional tarot card reader with our most trusted tarot card reading course.
What is Tarot Card Reading? Tarot cards are a powerful way to learn more about ourselves, our destiny, and our lives. By reading the tarot cards, we can learn more about ourselves and our world.
Ritalli presents an in-depth on -line class of Osho Zen tarot with corresponding cards of Ryder Waite .
Dates are flexible & timings as per mutual convenience.
Welcome to the world of personalized Intuitive Zen Tarot classes for both beginners and advance level.
This course has been designed after repeated requests for tailored tutoring so each student may learn at their own pace & in unfettered sanctum. The uniquely personalized method encourages the intuitive wisdom of individuals to develop . This has a significant impact on the readings.
Bonus: A beautiful 70 page Manual put together after ten years of research & learning. 💜💜💜
This will be an online one on one study ( 18 sessions ) . Manual and Ppt will be provided.
This course enables the student to channel messages with their intuitive wisdom and operate at a higher frequency of spirituality. Besides the Zen Deck you will also learn how to work with the Ryder Waite traditional deck , corresponding each card of the two decks and making your readings more accurate and insightful.